Research Report: The State of Technology in Global Newsrooms 2019

By Diana Owen with Fatima Bahja and Sharon Mashovi

Around the world, journalists are increasingly turning to digital technology to help address daunting challenges such as the spread of misinformation and increasing attacks on reporters. The use of fact-checking and social media verification tools is on the rise, while many newsrooms are securing their communications to protect themselves and their sources. Journalists are also using a multitude of new techniques and platforms to better engage their audiences – and earn their trust. The survey updates and expands upon ICFJ’s pioneering 2017 study, which determined that journalists were struggling to keep pace with the digital revolution. Our 2019 survey reveals a marked increase in the adoption of digital technology by the media industry over just the past two years. The study shows that traditional news outlets are transforming into hybrid newsrooms as they embrace digital platforms. Data journalism is clearly on the rise. And small outlets, most of them digital, now represent a majority of newsrooms.

The State of Technology in Global Newsrooms 2019